Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

beautiful night. NAIF!

waaaaaahhhhhhhhh seneng banget sayaaa ketemu sama om david naif... ganteng banget.. modal nekat tuuu dateng ke situu. segala ujan. yang akhirnya kita tetep ke tempat demi nemuin om david, om pepeng, om jarwo, sama om emil. yaah tapi om pepeng engga tau kemana tadi waktu kita berburu foto. 

saya nyanyi ampe suara saya sekarang abis loooohhhhh. banyak banget lagu yang di bawain. sebutin ni... ehmm ada jikalau, pusaka sejuta umat (bener engga ni judulnya haha), terus benci untuk mencinta, curi curi pandang, air dan api, waaaah banyak deeehhh.....

ini nii om davidnya lagi ganteng banget (best shoot si menurut saya)

om emil haha pendiem banget. bengong aja kerjaannya

pokoknya saya berdiri paling depan. makanya yang ke ambil  kebanyakan cuma om david -_-

oohh iyaaaa....abis naif ,performnya dj herjunot ali.. engga kalah ganteng dia maahhh pokoknya..

but me love NAIF! very much laaaahhhhhhhhh.......

Minggu, 04 Maret 2012


Suppongo che se i tuoi amici come i tuoi amici, parlare come un amico. se pensate che le donne sabagai che sarà il vostro amante, staccare prima il vostro rapporto. sono libero, ti seguo. se si può tentare di prendermi in giro, se mi ignori potrei essere te ignorare. Questonon è solo per me solo, ma tutti i voi donne avvicinano


happiness, just a meaningless word if it is only spoken. family, friendships, relationships need happiness. happiness comes not by itself, happiness need love. selfish, when we ask for happiness, but we do not give feedback on happiness. happiness does not ask for something difficult. only trust, understanding, loving, and most importantly love.
the family would disintegrate without happiness, friendship would be over, and the relationship will break up. if the happiness of all three were given only one piece, I would give to the family. because families desperately in need of happiness at this time. and friendship can wait because the friendship is still possess a lot of happiness. and the relationship would be much better to wait :)